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BIN 4ZyoO Documentation

  • Author:

  • Version: 26

  • Description: Examples from "Common Particles Configuration" section of the form reference: form.explanation, form.header,form.subheader, form.title, form.title.html

  • Created: 2014-09-05

  • Modified: 2014-09-05

  • Source:

     Edit Bin W3C Schema Json-Schema Java Bean Code Default Value as XML

    Printers Embed Responsive

    <complexType name='Form' description='Examples from "Common Particles Configuration" section of the form reference: form.explanation, form.header,form.subheader, form.title, form.title.html'>
    	<field name='FieldWithTitle' extra:form.explanation='form.explanation content'  extra:form.alt='tooltip title of section' extra:form.title='Title of the section'  type='xs:string'/>
    <field name='FieldWithHTMLTitle' extra:form.explanation='form.explanation content'  extra:form.alt='tooltip title of section' extra:form.title.html='&lt;b&gt; HTML Title &lt;/b&gt; of the section'  type='xs:string'/>
    <field name='FieldWithTitleAndHeader' extra:form.header='The header of the section, used also for auto TOC' extra:form.explanation='form.explanation content'  extra:form.alt='tooltip title of section' extra:form.title.html='&lt;b&gt; HTML Title &lt;/b&gt; of the section'  type='xs:string'/>
    <field name='FieldWithTitleAndAllHeaders' extra:form.header='The header of the section' extra:form.subheader='The sub header of the section' extra:form.explanation='form.explanation content'  extra:form.alt='tooltip title of section' extra:form.title.html='&lt;b&gt; HTML Title &lt;/b&gt; of the section'  type='xs:string'/>